Looking for the best ebook reader for you? This ereader comparison makes the job easy by outlining the prominent features of all the competing brands. The market for ebook readers has settled into three different categories, Premium, Mid-Range and Value which we have as separate sections below. With the huge range of selection from several manufacturers and retailers, we’ve hand picked the most popular in each category along with the best price for each model as part of our ebook reader comparison.

Premium Ereader Comparison

These are the Cadillacs of the ereader market and are definitely what you’re looking for if you want the best ebook reader. Full featured with big screens, wireless or 3G connectivity and ample storage space, if you want to invest in the highest quality product to enjoy for a long time to come, this is the category for you.

Kindle DXNook ColorDaily ReaderBeBook NeoiPad
MfgrAmazonBarnes & NobleSonyEndless IdeasApple
Best Price$379
Our Pick
Screen Size9.7"7"7"6"9.7"
Screen TypeE-InkLCDE-InkE-InkLCD
Wireless3GWiFiWiFi + 3GWiFiWiFi + 3G
Battery Life7 days8 hours7 days7 days10 hours
Audio Player
Weight18.9 oz15.8 oz9.6 oz10.5 oz25.6 oz


Premium – Best Ebook Reader – Barnes & Noble Nook Color

One of the benefits of the Premium class of ereaders is additional functionality like color touch screens and web browsing capability, which makes the Nook Color the best-in-class. Anywhere there’s a WiFi connection you can search all the content of your favourite blogs, news sites and forums for a third of the price of an iPad. The interface is fast and easy to navigate, and it’s automatically connected to the Barnes & Nobles ebook store which is slightly more interactive than the Amazon equivalent. And because of the vivid color screen, visually stunning works such as graphic novels or photography portfolios can be enjoyed anywhere you go. While the battery life suffers running such a powerful device, it can easily be taken out and about for a full day of mobile reading and browsing, especially with it’s more than ample storage.

Mid-Range Ereader Comparison

Here you’ll find the bread and butter of ebook readers. Easily the bestselling of all models, versatile enough to suit a wide range of users’ needs and priced far more competitively than premium models. They’re also smaller, easier to carry and with longer battery life.

Kindle 3G
Kindle 3Nook 3GTouch ReaderCruz Tablet
MfgrAmazonAmazonBarnes & NobleSonyVelocity
Best Price$189
Our Pick
Screen Size6"6"6"6"7"
Screen TypeE-InkE-InkE-InkE-InkLCD
WirelessWiFi + 3GWiFiWiFi + 3G-WiFi
Battery Life10 days3 weeks2 days2 weeks10 hours
Audio Player
Weight8.7 oz8.5 oz12.1 oz7.9 oz16 oz
Other Retailers$349


Mid-Range – Best Ebook Reader – Amazon Kindle 3G

There’s a reason the Kindle is the greatest selling ereader of all time. Its high contrast E-Ink screen is easy on the eyes for flipping through novels even in bright sunlight, it’s designed to be light and portable and its battery life is second to none. If you’re looking to load up on new titles and take it with you for a vacation on the beach, you probably won’t even need to bring your charger! Better still, if you’re short on time while packing and can’t download all the ebooks you wanted, the 3G will work for free almost anywhere in the world to automatically connect to the Amazon store, which has more selection than any other. And new to this 3rd generation model, you can use the wireless connectivity for basic web browsing as well. Everyone knows the Kindle name, find out for yourself what all the fuss is about.

Value Ereader Comparison

If you don’t need all the bells and whistles, prefer a device that’s even more portable and are glad to save a bit of money doing so, the value category has what you’re looking for. Many of these models come without wireless connectivity, the ability to play music, or extensive storage capacity, but if all you need is a basic ereader you can load up with all your new and favourite titles, why ask for anything more?

Pocket Reader
Libre ProjetBook minieReaderCruz Reader
Best Price$164
Editor's Choice
Screen Size5"5"5"6"7"
Screen TypeE-InkE-InkE-InkE-InkLCD
Battery Life2 weeks24 hours4 days2 weeks10 hours
Audio Player
Weight5.7 oz7.5 oz5.8 oz8 oz16 oz
Other Retailers$169




Value – Best Ebook Reader – Sony Pocket Reader

Sony’s latest update to their Pocket Reader line shows that big things can come in small packages. Very small packages, as in the lightest 5” ereader on the market. They’re also widely available so competition helps keep the price exceptionally low for a name brand, well received product. While it has no wireless connectivity or audio player, as an ebook reader it works great. The addition of touchscreen functionality is also very welcome as it gives a tactile feel to the experience and is a great space and weight saver.

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